Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Discover How To Activate Window 7 Without Using Software

I try to install window 7 to a laptop(dell inspiron) that only support window 7, after installing the window 7 on it, I noticed that the window gave me an information that my window is not genuine, because I haven't activate it, i noticed that i have to activate it in order to avoid software crash, to avoid loosing of data that may lead to data recovery, to prevent virus from entering my Pc and to prevent from damages of the hard drive tracks and sectors.
Just follow this steps to activate your window
STEP 1:- click the start button, then to  all programs, after that click accessories, then navigate your cursor on the command prompt and right click on it(i.e. the command prompt), after that RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR
STEP 2:- After you might have open the command , insert this code into it 'CD/', it will show another symbol like this 'C:/>'(the symbol mean the root directory),then  insert this code in front of the root directory 'SLMGR -REARM' [make sure you give a space before you insert the (-) after SLMGR], wait for a minute, it will shown a message that indicate the success of the command, it will look like this "your command has been successfully completed"
STEP 3:- After that just restart your computer , then go to your screen icon by right clicking on my computer, then click the properties and scroll down, you will notice that it brought an information that your window is now geniune.


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