Friday, 26 July 2013

Discover How To Browse On Your Phone Without Sim

This is another tech tips you have been waiting for since this days, one of my friend ask me if it can be possible to surf the internet without sim card, I know some we not believe this, but be happy this blog is ready to give all the necessary tech tips, you should have it in mind that it is possible for all mobile that have wireless network(wlan) to browse without simcard

  •   Firstly navigate to the menu bar

  • Then click the settings of your phone and navigate to  connectivity and select wlan
  •  Then connect your phone with your browsing personal computer/ your friend pc
  •  Click the connect icon on your phone, it will search the service of your pc and it will connect automatically
Go to your web browser  and enter your url(web address), 
N.B it’ll pop up one information to activate

§  Access point
§  Wlan
§  Packet dat
Choose wlan as your preferable network and start surfing the internet…


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